Restaurants and bars
Facilities for indoor sports and recreational fitness activities (including fitness centres and gyms)
Conference centres and convention centres
Community centres and multi-purpose facilities
Museums, galleries, aquariums, zoos, science centres, landmarks, historic sites, botanical gardens and similar attraction
Performing arts and cinemas
Personal care services relating to the hair or body (with exception of oxygen bars)
Racing venues, casinos, bingo halls and gaming establishments
Meeting or event space
In person teaching and instruction
Retail required to close for in-person shopping
Shopping malls
Personal services
Driving instruction
Tour and guide services
Photography services
Neighbourhood hardware stores
Drive-in cinemas
Garden Centres (excluding Big Box)
Outdoor sports and recreation facilities/amenities
Day camps for children
Pet/animal food and services
Ski hills
Outdoor markets
Safety, medical and assistive devices retail
Rental and leasing services (e.g., automobile, commercial and light machinery, and equipment rental)
Lawn care and landscaping services
Domestic services
Vehicle and equipment repair services
Veterinary services
Cell Phone and computer providers & repairs
Media industries including film and television production (excluding radio/television broadcasting)